Plenty of people had great things to say about their experience playing the assortment of TIFF Nexus games and projects that got showcased during the Toronto International Film Festival earlier this month, so we’ve captured a few of the more enthusiastic raves on Twitter to share with you here:
Playing some great indie games at the @ Mini-Arcade. Cumulo Nimblers is adorable and a lot of fun.
— Interactive Ontario (@IOnews)
Also played some really cool @ games, including Adeline’s Elopement. Playable online at!
— Interactive Ontario (@IOnews)
Video game party in the @ lounge! So amazing and so fun! Deffs coming back.
— kate killet (@katekillet)
@ what you’re playing the Yawhg!? Emily Carroll worked on that, I really wanted to play it when it was at Magic Pony
— Timothy Alabi (@talabi)
@ Go to @! You can so play it!
— kate killet (@katekillet)
@ Girl @ is fucking rad. You gotta go.
— kate killet (@katekillet)
Jut played this bad ass super simple rainbow fun bouncy cloud game called Cumulo Nimblers at at !
— Nigel Downer (@nigeldowner)
Enjoying ? I talked to some of the developers and artists involved with the Comics vs. Games project.…
— Tim Latshaw (@TLatshaw)
To get an even better sense of the fun that went on at the TIFF Nexus Arcade, we invite you to peruse our online gallery showcasing all the indie-game shenanigans that went on all week during TIFF 2012: